Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Best Vodka ?

Smirnoff, Kettel One, Absolut Vodka ... The list is long when it comes time to choose what vodka is best suited for the use that you want to do . In fact, there is the global market more than 4000 different brands of vodka. In this short note we only interested in the best known. Here is a simple little guide that will help you find your way in terms of vodka.

Originally from Poland , vodka has changed since its first release . most of the time it is a water- life potato and grain vodka but some are creative in using other ingredients.

There in the first place , premium and non- premium vodkas

These are super-premium vodka . The manufacturers of these vodkas use the best ingredients to concoct pure vodka . it is not uncommon for these vodkas are made ​​up with water from glaciers. These vodkas are not a priority for making cocktails for their purity will be lost.

Good examples of this type of vodka are , Grey Goose
                                                                         Kamouraska Vodka
                                                                         hangar One

Then there are the so-called standard vodkas

These vodkas are much more affordable than the premium and non -premium vodkas . They are made with less care for the purity of the product and have more raw flavors . Without fear they may be used to make a variety of cocktails but they can still be consumed pure .

The best of this range of vodka are: Russian Standard Vodka

He finally has infused or flavored vodkas

These vodkas have been a brewing process to give them the taste of a very specific aromatic. vodka can thus offer rich flavors of orange , mint , coffee where any other flavors you want.

Some bartender will infuse them even small amount of vodka to offer their exceptional cocktails keys.

These vodkas are often homemade but some large company to offer products quite popular raspberry. These commercial flavored vodkas are targeted at a young audience unfamiliar with the sweet aroma of vodkas better.

In short,

The shelves of your favorite merchant is certainly rife with different vodka. Now that you are more familiar with the different types of Polish water spirits will help you enjoy this guilty pleasure . Remember, drink responsibly!

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